Monday, January 11, 2016

Teaching zumba, without apologies.

So when I teach Zumba, I say "sorry." Like a lot. Sorry I forgot a move, sorry I went the wrong way, sorry I'm not a better teacher, sorry I'm panting like I'm going to die by the second song. I love teaching Zumba, but I'm also ridiculously embarrassed that I'm not very good yet. Every time someone isn't at my class, I immediately assume it's because they got tired of my crappy instructing and went off to take a class from a professional. But, for the last 7 days, I've danced every day without ceasing, and basically ONLY listened to my playlist every waking minute of the day. And you know what?! Tonight, when I was teaching my husband, who dutifully attends class in our basement on Mondays (in case you didn't know, he is actually the best), and I kept count--only 3 sorries! Once, when I was doing a side step move and disappeared out of the main room and danced right into our storage room, and two other times because I made minor mistakes. But, other than that--I taught a 9  song, 40 minute set with only 3 apologies!

Feeling my confidence build every day.

Just dance. Put on your red shoes and dance,

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